MC Sask Camping Ministry Study

MC Sask Council has partnered with Tim Nickel of Fifth Business ( to facilitate a study of MC Sask's Camping Ministry. At a June 14 meeting, MC Sask Council gave their strong approval for Tim to lead a robustly consultative review of MC Sask's commitment to camping ministry and of how this is carried out through MC Sask's three camps (Camp Elim, Youth Farm Bible Camp, and Shekinah Retreat Centre).

Tim will work closely with Interim Executive Minister Josh Wallace and a small planning team to develop and carry out the study. The process will involve consultations with an array of stakeholders, opportunities for input from each MC Sask congregation, focused organizational reviews of each of the three camps, and regional meetings to test and develop emergent findings with MC Sask's members. Tim and the team will offer regular updates on the process, and will bring a final report and recommendations via MC Sask Council to ADS 2023.

If you have questions or would like more information, please get in contact with Josh Wallace at